What are Bunions?

Bunions affect about 31 percent of adults according to the Framingham Foot Study. Some cases are relatively minor and only show a slightbunions deformity, while other cases are interfering with the patient's ability to walk and wear shoes. If you think you may have bunions, find out for certain by visiting Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA.

Bunions—A Common Foot Deformity
Bunions are foot deformities that cause pain, discomfort, and embarrassment for millions of Americans. Pressure on the big toe causes the toe to move inward while the joint moves outward, enlarges, and swells. The big toe starts to crush or overlap the other toes. This is not a problem that will go away on its own—you must have them treated by your Hampton or Williamsburg, VA podiatrist as soon as possible. 

What Causes Bunions?
Women who wear pointed high heels often complain about bunions. In general, wearing uncomfortable, inexpensive shoes—especially when you do a lot of walking every day—can cause bunions to form. Some people are more prone to this foot problem due to an arthritic condition.

Bunion Treatments
The treatment for bunions depends on the severity of the condition. A small bunion can often be corrected by wrapping the feet and wearing custom orthotics or pads for an extended period of time. Taking some time off your feet may also aid the healing process. If there is a callus on the bunion, that will be removed by your podiatrist. Certain therapeutic exercises can also help with joint mobility. A night splint, worn while sleeping, can help with realignment. If non-invasive solutions don't work, a surgery called a bunionectomy may be required.

Realign Your Feet
Bunions will likely continue to increase in size and become more painful to live with if you don't have them treated promptly. Dr. Sara Bouraee and Dr. Mahmoud Salem can help you at their Hampton and Williamsburg, VA podiatry office. Call (757) 220-3311 or (757) 224-7605 today to schedule a foot consultation.

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