Is There Treatment for Hammertoes?

Hammertoe is a condition that leaves the second, third, or fourth toe deformed and bent at the middle joint. This causes it to look similar to a hammer and it can become very inflexible. This might be painful to deal with and cause blisters to form from friction. Dealing with hammertoe can be difficult and you might find that it’s hard to find comfortable shoes and hard to participate in activities without pain. Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski and Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists in Williamsburg and Hampton, VA, can explain how hammertoes are treated and how you can manage any pain associated with it.

Dealing with Hammertoes

While hammertoes cannot be fully corrected without the surgery from your podiatrist, there are ways to deal with them and manage the pain you might experience. Your podiatrist will examine your feet and come up with some solutions that might benefit you. If conservative methods don’t seem to help, then you may need to consider surgery to restructure your toe.

Your podiatrist may recommend wearing comfortable shoes that have extra room in the toe. There are also toe exercises you may want to try to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the toe. Straps can also help straighten out your toe and keep it from becoming stiff and inflexible. To avoid friction and your toe rubbing against shoes, you can consider using cushions or nonmedicated corn pads to prevent calluses from forming.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

Find out how you can deal with your hammertoe. Contact Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski and Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists in Williamsburg and Hampton, VA, to learn more about treating hammertoes. Call for more information at (757) 220-3311 for the office in Williamsburg, VA, and (757) 224-7605 for the office in Hampton, VA.

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