Treatment for Corns

Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you with treatment for corns in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA. Corns can make walking or wearing footwear painful, but with the right treatment, you can get back on your feet. Keep reading about corns and come see Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski, and Dr. Shruti Vyas if you are in pain.

What Is a Corn?

Corns are bumps that form on the top and sides of your toes or in between your toes. They form where friction and pressure is put on your toes and feet. Signs you're developing a corn are: 

  • Tenderness underneath your skin
  • Thickened, rough skin
  • An elevated, hard bump

A callus is different than a corn and can usually be treated at home. Calluses usually don't hurt, and are a larger, flattened area of rough skin.

How Are They Treated?

If you have a corn, try soaking your feet in warm water to soften the corn. After soaking your feet, use a pumice stone to gently rub off hardened, dead skin. If this doesn't relieve your pain or you already have a large or hardened corn, you should come see your podiatrist for treatment. You should also see a podiatrist if you're a diabetic, because any foot issue can be easily complicated by slower healing. For your corns, your podiatrist could recommend:

  • Trimming the excess skin around the corn to reduce the friction and pressure
  • Using a topical medication containing salicylic acid to remove the corn
  • Medicated pads that contain salicylic acid
  • Wearing custom-fit orthotics in your shoes to relieve pain
  • Surgery is performed if the corn is caused by a misalignment in the bones of your foot

If you are experiencing painful corns, don't keep suffering and limping around. Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski, and Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you with treatment for corns in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (757) 224-7605 for the office in Hampton, VA, and (757) 220-3311 for the office in Williamsburg, VA.

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Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists


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8:30 am-12:00 pm



