Bunions Causes and Treatment

Bunions are a deformity that is identified by a large bump on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe. Bunions aren’t always painful but can become irritated as they rub against the side of shoes or can become sore and inflamed. When left untreated, bunions can cause other issues like hammertoes. Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski, and Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA, can explain how bunions are caused and how they can be treated.

Causes of Bunions

One issue that can progress the cause of bunions is wearing shoes that are too tight and not properly fitted to your feet. The constant pressure on your feet can start leading to bunions beginning to develop. Bunions are also caused by irregularities in the arch of your foot. If you have flat feet or an overpronounced arch, it can lead to the formation of bunions as your feet are not properly aligned.

Bunions can also be caused by injuries in the foot or neuromuscular problems. Bunions are also not hereditary, but usually run in families because of other issues that are hereditary.

Treating Bunions

Bunions cannot be fully treated without surgery, but you can treat the symptoms that can be caused by bunions. Your podiatrist in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA, may recommend wearing pads on the side of the feet to help stop friction from occurring and causing blisters or inflammation. You can also wear orthotics to support the foot and splints while sleeping.

Your doctor may also suggest that you perform exercises on a regular basis to strengthen the foot and prevent stiffness. In severe cases, surgery may be needed to correct issues and remove the bunion completely.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

Don’t let bunions stop you from your favorite activities. Contact Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowski, and Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists in Hampton and Williamsburg, VA, to learn more about bunions and their causes and treatments. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (757) 220-3311 for the office in Williamsburg, and (757) 224-7605 for the office in Hampton.

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