Heel Spurs Signs and Symptoms

Heel spurs are bony outgrowths forming on the heel bone due to calcium deposits. They can result from prolonged strain on the foot ligaments and muscles, often associated with conditions like plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis. Heel spurs cause discomfort and pain, primarily during weight-bearing activities, as they irritate the surrounding tissues and nerves.

If experiencing persistent heel pain or discomfort, it's essential to schedule an appointment with one of the expert podiatrists at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists in Williamsburg, or Hampton, VA, namely Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowksi, or Dr. Shruti Vyas.

Our podiatrists can accurately diagnose the condition, determine the underlying cause, and recommend personalized treatment plans with physical therapy, orthotics, or other non-invasive interventions to alleviate symptoms and improve foot health.

Heel Spurs Signs and Symptoms

Heel spurs can cause considerable discomfort and hinder daily activities. These bony outgrowths typically form on the underside of the heel bone and are often associated with plantar fasciitis. The hallmark symptom of a heel spur is intense heel pain, especially during weight-bearing activities like walking or standing. People may describe the pain as sharp or stabbing, making it difficult to put weight on the affected foot.

People with heel spurs may also experience localized inflammation and tenderness in the heel area, which can cause redness and swelling. In some cases, the pain may radiate to the arch or the back of the foot. Morning stiffness and pain when getting out of bed are other indicators of heel spurs. Additionally, activities that involve repetitive movements of the foot may exacerbate the pain, such as running or jumping.

Prompt treatment for heel spurs in Williamsburg, or Hampton, VA, including rest, orthotic support, stretching exercises, and pain relief measures, can alleviate symptoms and improve overall foot function, helping you regain mobility and comfort.

Discover Your Treatment Options

Treatment options for heel spurs typically focus on relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Conservative approaches include rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medications. Stretching exercises and physical therapy can help improve flexibility and reduce strain on the affected area. Custom orthotics or shoe inserts may also provide support and alleviate discomfort. Corticosteroid injections or extracorporeal shock wave therapy may be beneficial in severe cases. Surgery is a last resort for persistent cases.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. For more information about heel spurs in Williamsburg, or Hampton, VA, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowksi, or Dr. Shruti Vyas at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists, call (757) 224-7605 for our Hampton, VA location and (757) 220-3311 for our Williamsburg, VA, office.

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Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists


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